What time is the rectory open?
Rectory hours are 9am to 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays; 9am to 5pm on Thursdays and Fridays; Saturday is 9:30 to 7 pm.. Sunday the rectory is closed, but in case of an emergency call the rectory.
Who should I call if I want to become a Eucharistic minister, lector, or altar server?
To join one of these organizations please call the rectory for more information.
How do I get a Mass card?
Mass cards can be purchased at the rectory any day that the rectory is open. The prices are as follows: $25 for an announced mass and $15 for an unannounced Mass. Large Mass cards are $30 each.
What is the mass schedule?
To learn more about our mass schedule, please refer to the Parish and Mass Schedule page.
How do I know what is happening in the parish?
There is always something exciting going on in the parish. For more specific details of upcoming events, check out the event calendar. For events farther in the future, please click under bulletins.
What if I have a suggestion about how to help the parish?
We would love to hear your ideas and thoughts at any time. Please feel free to call the rectory and contact the pastor. Thank you!
How can I register for the parish?
Being a part of our wonderful parish is a great way to get involved in our community. To register at the parish your may call the rectory, stop by or complete the registration form.
What if someone I know cannot come to Mass but still wants to receive communion?
In cases where individuals cannot come to Mass due to illness or special circumstances, a priest can make arrangements to get the Eucharist to them. call the rectory.
How can I get more involved in our parish?
There are many Parish Organizations that you can join. Each one of these organizations is active and would love to have you involved. Contact the leaders of each organization for more details.
How can I get something into the bulletin?
To add something to the bulletin, please call the rectory. for more information. Or email your request directly to [email protected] before Tuesday.