Graces for Lent Service Locust Point | Monday, Feb 12 @ 7pm |
Ash Wednesday |
Stations of the Cross |
Women's Day Retreat at the Retreat House the Sisters of Life | Wednesday, February 28 |
Station of the Cross | Friday, March 2 at 7pm followed by a presentation of the precepts of the Church; followed by Nocturnal Adoration |
CCD Family Day | Sunday, March 4 at 10am mass followed by family activity on the stations of the cross in de Chantal Hall |
CCD Confesions | Wednsday, March 7 at 3:30pm |
Station of the Cross | Friday, March 9 at 7pm |
First Penance Elementary School | Saturday, March 10 at 12pm |
First Penance: CCD Religious Eduation | Saturday, March 10 at 2pm |
Paulist Book Sale in Church | Saturday March 10 and Sunday March 11 |
CCD Confesions | Wednesday, March 14 at 3:30pm in Church |
Station of the Cross | Friday, March 16 at 7pm |
St. Patrick's Day Mass | Saturday, March 17 at 9am. Light refreshman to follow. |
Spanish Dia de Retiro | Sabado, 17 de Marzo de 12pm hasta las 4pm. |
Solemn Stations through the Eyes of Mary - Bilingual- confessions-Benection | Friday, March 23 at 7pm |
Pam Sunday | Sunday, March 25 |
Reconciliation Monday | Monday March 26 Confessions from 4pm to 8pm |
Elementary School Confessions | Tuesday, March 27 at 11am and 1pm |