NOCTURAL ADORATION ... Friday, October 5 is First Friday ... Mass at 7 pm followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight ... all are invited to watch and pray with the Lord ... at the suggestion of the parish council members, the First Friday Adoration on December 7 will be for the intention of the priests, for those who are suffering abuses, for our church leaders and for healing of this terrible scourge of our faith ... Mass will be the Vigil Mass at 7 pm for the Immaculate Conception followed by a Holy Hour directed by the Sisters of Life and continuing with adoration until midnight ... mark your calendars and pray for us and for our church.
ADORACIÓN NOCTURAL ... El viernes 5 de octubre es el primer viernes ... Misa a las 7 pm seguida de la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento hasta la medianoche ... todos están invitados a orar con el Señor ... por sugerencia de la parroquia miembros del consejo, la Adoración del Primer Viernes del 7 de diciembre será para la intención de los sacerdotes, para aquellos que sufren abusos, para los líderes de nuestra iglesia y para la curación de este terrible azote de nuestra fe ... La misa será la Misa de Vigilia en 7 pm por la Inmaculada Concepción seguida de una Hora Santa dirigida por las Hermanas de la Vida y continuando con la adoración hasta la medianoche ... marquen sus calendarios y oren por nosotros y por nuestra iglesia.
Our society was started in St. Frances in 1955 by former Pastor, John T. Haplin. It has been going strong ever since. We are an association of parishioners dedicated to prayer before the Eucharist for the praise of God and for the needs of the world. Our purpose is to unite adorers in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during the hours of the night in Our Lady's chapel, to deepen our experience of communion with Christ in His presence before the Blessed Sacrament, and to pray for the needs of the Church and for the world.
Anyone can be a member! There is no age limit, no dues, only a one hour once a month prayer commitment. We meet every first Friday of the month starting with Mass at 7:00 pm, followed by hourly adoration until midnight. Each hour involves vocal prayer and periods of silent prayer. You can pick any hour of the night, and can vary your commitment from month to month. Come any time!