Miraculous Medal: Mondays after each Mass
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, We dedicate and consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. May this Medal be for each one of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a constant reminder of our duties toward you. Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of your Son. O Most Powerful Virgin, Mother of Our Savior, keep us close to you every moment of our lives. Obtain for us, your children, the grace of a happy death; so that in union with you, we may enjoy the bliss of Heaven forever.
St. Anthony: Tuesdays after each Mass
St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I ask you to obtain for me the favors that I seek (mention your request here).
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles.
O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was full of sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Infant Jesus, who loved to be held in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
The Rosary / El Santo Rosario
Is prayed about 20 minutes before each Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, you are invited to pray this devotion before our weekend Masses.
Oramos el Santo Rosario 20 minutos antes de cada misa en la capilla. Les invitamos a participar de esta devoción cada domingo.
Tuesdays: 2:30pm to 3:30 pm
1st Friday of each Month: 7:00 pm to 12:00 am
"Most Holy Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- I adore
Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious body, blood, soul
and divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the
world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most
Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart Of Mary, I beg of Thee the
conversion of poor sinners."